The Quilt / 13 ways of looking at an Altoids tin

Sarah Willeford

The Quilt

my earliest memory is The Mother’s hands
Her pale, calloused, dexterous hands
               pulled, cut, pinned, and stitched
stitched from the corpses of mismatched, long-dead
cloth And created a miasma of patterns and textures;
that should not blend but do

The Mother gives me to The Girl.
The Girl’s hands are small delicate bird-like
things she is, as I, am: new untouched by
bleaching light

for The Girl, I am a rainbow of
possibility a shield from the dark, a
weapon of justice, and castle

The Girl becomes The Women
The Women’s hands are no longer untouched
calloused, wrinkled yet strong, dependable

for The Women, I am a tool
forgotten in the dark until needed
providing comfort when

The Woman becomes The Mother
and I am given to The Girl

13 ways of looking at an Altoids tin

The lingering scent of cool peppermint in the stale world of my purse
is created by air leaking out of an Altoids tin Gifted then promptly forgotten

it’s not working oh, how you want it to work you try, boy howdy, do you try to make it work
you are the only one trying everyone else gave up long ago it’s time you gave up too
it’s as likely to work as becoming a millionaire painting Altoids tins and selling them on Etsy

An Altoids tin is like a Gothic European Cathedral
Decorated with ornate swirls and whorls but hollow; empty
Lacking the substance that filled it and gave it its original purpose

His eyes were open but
unseeing corpse empty like
the Altoids tin on the window

The forest is dense; oppressive; unending
But I have no fear of straying from the path
The flint in my Altoids tin saves me from the dark

If flight is an Altoids tin,
I am the mint
And the endless expanse of Sky, through which I’m passing,
Is the back left pants pocket of a grandfather’s pair of Wranglers

when she is with me I am full
bursting with color and
excitement but she is not often
with me the door closes the
lock clicks once again I am
alone an empty Altoids tin

You’re the Poly Pocket in the Altoids tin
          “A bit too old for that outfit, hmm?”
          “Why not try these shoes?”
          “Aren’t you embarrassed in that?”
Your mother is the child playing god

If you ever want to find love look for the boy who
carries his amp in an Altoids tin you won't need
to entertain him he is resourceful and has his
own hobbies

we are going on
hour four
it should be quiet, perhaps not peaceful but at least, content It
is not content. The cry of the child is shrill; piercing; ear-
splitting like a banjo made from an Altoids tin and Satan’s

Bones are not supposed to make that sound.
Nor are they supposed to fold the way yours currently are.
          Looks a bit like an Altoids tin that my cousin Jerrold’s fat dog ate once.
You should probably call someone about that.

You don’t know if you want this
She wants this
How can you say no
You don’t want to give her up
The world moves
A forgotten tin of Altoids digs into your back

Forgive me
For I can only see the outside of your Altoids tin
And I made an assumption
That the inside of yours looked like the inside of mine

Author Biography

Sarah Willeford (she/her) is a 2023 Graduate of the University of Georgia, in the United States. She attended Leibniz University, in Hannover, Germany, for duration of the 2022-2023 academic year. Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics with a special focus in Second Language Acquisition. She also has minors in the German Language and Teaching English to Students of Other Languages. In addition to her linguistic pursuits, Sarah, has a multifaceted skill set that includes literary writing and analysis, public speaking, and relationship building. Sarah is currently pursuing a law degree in the United States. 

Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Willeford.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.